Monday, April 1, 2013

Modify Analytic

In Creo Direct, you can modify Cylindrical, Spherical, Conical, and Toroid features by using the Modify Analytic tool. The Modify Analytic tool is used to change the shape and size of the selected geometry. Below figure shows the toroid feature being modified and the next figure shows the same toroid feature after modifying it by using the Modify Analytic tool.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Converging Surfaces in Creo Direct

In Creo Direct, when you remove a surface of a model, the remaining surfaces of the model will be converged automatically. For example, the below figure shows a model with a surface to be removed and the next figure shows the resultant model after removing the selected  surface by using the Remove tool.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Moving, Pulling, Twisting faces by using the Select (with default) tool in Creo Direct

Moving Faces
You can move a face(s) of a model by using the Select (with default) tool. Choose the Select (with default) tool and select the faces you want to move. Note that the faces you are selecting should form a close volume. After selecting the face to be moved, use the linear dragger of Co-Pilot to move the selected face(s).

Pulling and Twisting Faces
You can Pull and Twist a curved face by using the Select (with default) tool. Choose the Select (with default) tool and select the face to work with. Now, you can use the draggers of Co-Pilot to pull and rotate the face. You can use the Linear dragger for pulling and the Angular dragger to rotating the selected face.